Killer Fish-17 new colors JUST LAUNCHED

Titanium Spring Bobbers

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Ice Strong Outdoors - Made in Michigan!

Ice Strong Titanium Spring Bobbers are a necessity for catching any pan fish through the ice!  See the lightest bites!

Each bobber is Made in Michigan and is designed for use with Tungsten jigs and flies.

We have a bobber for every application:

The Pulse (2-3mm tungsten jigs and ice flies)

Ultra-light (3-4mm tungsten jigs)-3 colors!

Original (4-5mm tungsten jigs)-3 standard colors and 2 GLOW colors!

XL (deadsticking, heavier jigs & spoons)

These are the ONLY bobbers you will ever need! Shop NOW

#FishStrong    #IceStrong    #TrollStrong


Hello to the BRAND NEW Killer Fish Rattling Shallow diver!

-Target Red KVD Triple Grip Hook
-Fat back and diamond scale body sides
-UV & Super Glow Patterns
-Extra loud fish attracting rattles


Laker Taker Lures, Too Strong Premium Trolling Flies, and Krunch Meat Rigs!

Ice Strong Outdoors Laker Taker Lures are great for controlling the trout population, and our Too Strong Premium Trolling Flies and Krunch Meat Rigs are King Killers!  And new for 2023, Krunch Kustoms - check out our kustom meat heads!

Troll the Laker Taker Lures / Too Strong Premium Trolling Fly behind your favorite attractor.  Check them out today!

#FishStrong #IceStrong #TrollStrong

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