Rattlin' Wasp Trolling & Crankbait lures

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This little baby bass Rattlin' Wasp bait features amazing side-to-side action that trophy Walleye, Bass, Crappie & Northern Pike cannot resist.


Two major features separate the VEXAN® Rattlin' Wasp from similar baits on the market: the internal rattle and great price point. Thanks to the design of the Rattlin' Wasp, this little bait features amazing side-to-side action that trophy fish cannot resist. The intense wobble of the VEXAN® Wasp is combined with an internal "rattle" that has proven to be a game-changer in murky water conditions, especially for walleye.  The Rattlin Wasp also rattles as it moves through the bait column mimicking a baitfish in distress to entice predators. Available in two sizes - four and five, these baits are great to use all-year-round casting or trolling!  This lure was designed by world-renowned lure builder Paul "Coot" Williams. Paul has spent 1000's of hours designing, testing, and perfecting his baits.  VEXAN's Rattlin Wasp offers big performance at a price point you will love.


No. 4 Rattlin' Wasp

Weight (With Hooks): 1/6 oz
Length (Tail To End Of Lip): 2 1/4"

No. 5 Rattlin' Wasp

Weight (With Hooks): 1/4oz
Length (Tail To End Of Lip): 3"


Depth Chart

Trolling Lake Winnebago with OB Outdoors

Got out trolling on Lake Winnebago for a few hours on the 26th & 27th, trying out the new Rattlin Wasps that just hit the market. I cannot count how many fish we caught in the 4 1/2 hrs we trolled in the two days. With the ENE winds we faced, the first day we were blown into the Fox River where more fun was surely had!

If I had to guess, 80% of the fish were in the 10-13" range but we boated a ton of them which included my first "quad". I used the best footage I was able to capture but behind the scenes, we caught crappies, goats, whities, catfish, and eyes... all but five of the eyes were dinks in that 10-13" range.

So far these baits are getting my approval. I have a feeling that the smaller fish were so hungry, they weren't even giving the bigger fish a chance? Be sure to watch the channel for future videos on these in the future, including running them up against various other system-proven baits. Up to the Northwoods next week so hopefully some good footage will be gathered up there!



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