12 super effective dry and nymph fly patterns
Perfect for fishing western rivers, lakes and streams
Tied with Premium Tiemco hooks and Metz materials
12 flies total - 1 each of 12 Patterns listed below
Makes a great gift for your favorite angler
This essential selection of dry and nymph fly patterns will get you strikes when nothing else will!
H & L Variant #12Yellow Humpy #14
Mosquito #14
Hi Viz Adams Parachute #12
Elk Hair caddis #14
Lime Royal Wulff #14
Copper John Nymph #14
Bead Head Kaufmann's Golden Stone Nymph Rubber Legs #8
Daves' Hopper #12
Kaufmann's Crystal Stimulator #14
Double Bead Pheasant Tail Nymph #12 #14
Double Bead Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear Nymph #14