Jig Boxes with Silicone Insert

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Jig Boxes with Silicone Insert

Our jig boxes are ideal for storing your ice fishing jigs. These cases are perfect for storing all of your T-VEX Tungsten ICE Fishing Jigs for Bluegills, Crappie, Jumbo Perch, Pike, Walleye, and More! 

  • Waterproof and they float! Theses boxes can be used for fly fishing, ice fishing, or just about any kind of fishing that would require a jig box.
  • Clear lid so you can see exactly what jigs or flies are inside.
  • Very secure, high density silicone insert for safe storage of all flies and jigs. Very durable with a tough body design.


Slim -  Single Sided ‎5.5" x 4" x 0.5" 4oz. 

Mini - Double Sided 4.25" x 3" x 1.25" 4oz.

Compact  - Double Sided 5" x 4" x 2" 7oz.

Regular  - Double Sided: 6" x 4" x 1.75" 8oz.

Deluxe  - Double Sided 7" x 4.5" x 1.5" fits 312 jigs

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