Tackle Industries Solid 1pc Big Game Rods

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Snook, Tarpon, Musky and Pike Rods

Limited Lifetime Warranty

7'6", 8'6" and 9' Solid 1pc Big Game Rod Specifications:

MH Power Rods:
- Rod length is 7'6", 8'6" or 9'
- Lure weight rated: 1-4oz
- Line weight rated: 30-60lb
- Power: MH or Medium Heavy
- Speed/Action: Medium
- Application: Bass and Musky swimbaits, double #10 bucktails, crankbaits, trolling, topwaters

"Mag Heavy" XH Power Rods:
- Rod length is 7'6", 8'6" or 9'
- Lure weight rated: 2-8oz
- Line weight rated: 60-130lb
- Power: XH or Extra Heavy
- Speed/Action: Medium Fast
- Application: Heavy swimbaits, double #10 and #13 bucktails, trolling, topwaters, small/medium jerkbaits

"Mega Heavy" XXH Power Rods:
- Rod length is 7'6", 8'6" or 9'
- Lure weight rated: up to 16oz
- Line weight rated: 80-150lb
- Power: XXH or Mega Heavy
- Speed/Action: Medium Fast
- Application: All purpose rod, heavy rubber, big jerkbaits, deep diving cranks and BIG bucktails

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