Phat Boy DD

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Setting a new standard for crankbaits in the industry. Designed for long-distance casting, it features the DEEP THUD™ internal rattles and ultra-durable through-wire construction that withstands heavy impact against rocks, wood, and other cover. Outfitted with razor-sharp Vexan hooks, the PHAT BOY™ is available in a range of trophy fish-catching color patterns, perfect for any fishing situation.

The new series of Vexan crankbaits boasts an innovative rattle chamber, designed to trigger more strikes from big bass. This custom chamber produces the perfect DEEP THUD™ sound, traveling further underwater and drawing bites even in tough conditions. Plus, the crankbait’s tough, reinforced lip ensures it holds up under extreme fishing environments.

Depth  Length   Weight Hook Size
12 FT  2.75" 3/4oz #4

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