RAM Mount Triple Magnetic 2.5" Round Base w/1" Ball [RAM-B-202-339U]

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  • $26.49
  • Regular price $29.49
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Triple Magnetic 2.5" Round Base with 1" Ball

Consists of a 1" diameter rubber ball connected to a flat 2.5" diameter base and triple magnetic base adapter. The 2.5" diameter base contains pre-drilled holes, including the universal AMPS hole pattern. The magnetic base adapter contains 3 rare earth magnets that hold firm to ferrous metals. Simply put this product near the mounting surface and feel it almost jump out of your hand. The composite adapter designed to conceal the magnets is made of durable composite to prevent scratching the mounting surface. Ideally suited for many applications, you're sure to find many ways to use your magnetic mount at work, home, on the go, or at play.

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