Bold North Outdoors Power2Go200 Power Box - GREEN - FREE SHIPPING!

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Power2Go200, was designed to give you power to go when power is at a premium.  It is, lightweight, built to last, and offers many ways to charge your mainstream gear and more.  Key factors of what makes Power2Go so unique is it offers: 

  • Boldly Accessible: Ability to open, add/replace batteries
  • Boldly Flexible: Circuit breaker is user-accessible to restore power
  • Boldly Rugged: Marine grade weather components
  • Boldly Persistent: LiFePO4 battery gives 4x the cycles of competitors
  • Boldly Functional: Glow LED light for ice fishing and more
  • Boldly Versatile: External inverter a better value, gives more/better power alternatives
  • Boldly Priced: Industry best performance at the best price
  • 14 gauge wire except the post which are 10 gauge

Additional information: 

Weight (station only)

96 oz


Interior for battery clearance 11.25 x 5.5 x 6.25 in
Exterior 13.75 x 7 x 8.75 in

Battery Option  

3:   7-12ah battery
2:   18ah
1:   30ah wide

Dakota 7ah battery
Dakota 10ah battery
Dakota 18ah battery

You can now order with a Bold North Outdoors LifePO4 Lithium Battery - or add your own - click the links above to add a Dakota battery!  


What it will power: 

Below are some of the devices you can power with your Power2Go 200.  Note, actual power consumption varies from different usages. 

Power2Go 200, is a compact, lightweight design featuring multiple connections to charge your mainstream gear to include: 

  • CPAP Machines
  • Go-Pros
  • Phones and Tablets
  • Laptops
  • Lights
  • 12v Televisions
  • 12v Refrigerators and Coolers
  • Will run a trolling motor for kayak
  • and many more.

The Power2Go 200 can fit a 6ah, 12ah, 18ah or 50ah battery in our station. You can parallel up to three 6aH, and or 12aH in our Power2Go 200or two 18aH Batteries.:

6ah - 84 watt hours

12ah - 168 watt hours

18ah - 252 watt hours *most popular (up to 2 fit in the box) typically if being used for ice fishing 1-18 is ample, if being used for camping, 2-18's are recommended

50ah - 700 watt hours



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